Channel: OYR Frugal & Sustainable Organic Gardening
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: spring planting vegetablespeppervegetable garden planting schedulepolytunnelhow to grow tomatoes from seedplanting calendarhow to plant tomatoeslow tunnelhow to plant vegetableshow to grow eggplants from seedspring gardentomatonetflixhow to grow peppers from seedhoop housespring vegetable gardenamazinghow to plant peppersgarden planning ideasspring plantingspring planting calenderhow to plant a gardenhow to plant eggplantscold frame
Description: Spring planting is well on its way in the OYR garden! Please join me as I plant tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and basil in the grow room in late March. If you shop on Amazon, you can support OYR simply by clicking this link (bookmark it too) before shopping: Tomato, Pepper, Eggplant, Basil varieties we're growing: Highlights: 0:32 our potting mix 0:53 our pots and avoiding potting up 1:10 when I start tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, basil indoors 1:26 adding more soil as tomatoes grow 1:54 how I plant tomatoes 2:34 Honey Drop Tomatoes 2:58 Sweet Million Tomatoes 3:15 Sophie's Choice Tomatoes 4:08 how I water 4:58 placing pots under lights 5:06 using mylar blankets to encourage germination 5:31 how I plant peppers 5:54 Jimmy Nardello Peppers 6:33 Chocolate Peppers 7:02 Cayenne Peppers 7:08 When we'll plant out peppers 7:55 Planting Eggplants (Black Beauty, Long Purple, Japanese White Egg eggplant) 8:55 Planting Basil (Italian Genovese, Purple Petra) 10:50 Also planted tomatillos and ground cherries today Oscar Cameos: 11:29 To use the free spring planting calendar: 1) click on this link 2) make your own copy of the calendar by selecting "File/Make a Copy" or "File/Download as Excel" 3) Select the worksheet that applies to you (No Cover, Single Cover, or Double Cover) 4) Enter your average last frost date in the last frost date field I'm passionate about an approach to organic gardening that is frugal, easy, sustainable, and works with nature to achieve amazing results. My videos will help you grow more healthy organic fruits and vegetables, while working less and saving money. I don't push gardening products. I don't hype bogus "garden secrets". I provide evidence based strategies to help you grow a lot of food on a little land without spending much or working harder than you have to!