Channel: Muntage Gaming
Category: Gaming
Tags: let's play ark: survival evolved4 man serversroad to tekgotweredwood cave raidmuntage gamingdinosaursark official pvp new serversjuicy lootgamesarkark releasefunnystarting freshgamingmuntagecomedylet's playfinallyark official pvppvpmtsearly game pvplet's play arkofficial survivalofficial pvptek!official pvp new serversark new servers pvpark: survival evolvedark new servers let's play
Description: Want to support me and what I'm doing? Now you can via Patreon and join the squad! | Join my Discord | Follow me on Twitter | @Muntage_Gaming What's going on boys and girls in today's episode STARTING FRESH! How I Get Heavies Day 1 GARUNTEED... ARK: Survival Evolved we start fresh on the most populated ark servers and test our limits! Hope you guys enjoy :)