Channel: Sedona Fun Vids TV
Category: Entertainment
Tags: starbucksspirit halloween 2020spirit halloween 2020 animatronicssedona fun kids tvstarbucks fall menusedonahalloweenstarbucks fall drinksscary spirit halloween vlogfavorite fall thingspumpkin spice lattescarypumpking spice frappuccinofunnysedona fun vids tvspirit halloween
Description: Hey guys today we try everything from the Starbucks Fall menu and we get scared at Spirit Halloween! Our favorite fall things! Watch the IT Frappuccino next→ Get Merch→ Join the SLoth Squad→ My 2nd channel vids→ Thank you guys so much for your love and support! We love you! #Starbucks #SpiritHalloween Sedona Veronika Everest & Dad 💖💖💖 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am eleven years old and love to make videos with my mom. I collect squishies and I love sloths, slime, singing and TikTok! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: @sedona.aa and @sweety._.zoee @sedonasmom MUSIC Ectoplasm by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist: