Channel: School of Saberfighting
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: джедайзвёздныевойныlightsabercombatфехтованиеschoolofsaberfightingduelfightforce awakensартstarrogue oneситхшколаjedithe old republicstageсветовойсаберфайтингwarsсражениемечfencingsith
Description: Lightsaber duel from Star Wars fan film Legends of the Old Republic: Rogue Contract Full film: Legends of the Old Republic is a non-profit fan serial. In the first chapter somewhere on Nar Shaddaa a powerfull sith lord hides from the Empire for his crimes. A mysterious man hires the infamous bounty hunter (who was actually a jedi in the past) to neutralize sith. You can help the project by donating any amount to our PayPal account: