Channel: The Fwoosh
Category: Entertainment
Tags: techhasbroclone warscollectiblesfwooshechocrosshairwreckertrooperarc trooperreviewblack seriescloneazaction figureclone trooperadultstar warshunterstormtrooperbad batch
Description: Well whatta ya know, I actually found new Hasbro Star Wars Black Series at retail. At Walgreens, of all places. On top of that, it's The Bad Batch Echo, my most anticipated of the wave next to Ahsoka. So yeah, consider me happy! 00:00 Intro 01:14 Package 01:46 Unboxing 02:08 Sculpt 04:47 Paint 05:32 Engineering 06:17 Articulation 07:20 Accessories 09:10 Size and Comparisons 09:44 Thoughts 10:42 Outro Full reviews go up early on the Fwoosh Patreon, so if you'd prefer to see them quicker or are in a position to support the channel, become a Fwoosh+ Patron! And if not, that's okay too! Most content will go public at a later time. Nothing wrong with that at all! All livestreams happen on the Fwoosh Twitch Channel and Robo's personal YouTube!! and If you'd like something reviewed, just send it to us! Fwoosh PO Box 8416 Van Buren, AR 72956 Visit The Fwoosh for toy news, action figure reviews, convention coverage, and discussion forums! Follow The Fwoosh on Facebook! Twitter- Instagram- #StarWars #Echo #BadBatch