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Star Crash: The Explosion that Transformed Astronomy

Duration: 15:21Views: 1.1MLikes: 12.9KDate Created: Nov, 2017

Channel: SpaceRip

Category: Science & Technology

Tags: black holestar crashcosmic journeysmulti-messenger detectioncolliding starskilonovaastronomygravitational waveblack holes & exploding starssupernovathe universeligolaser interferometer gravitational wave observatorygamma ray burstblack holesneutron starstar explosion

Description: For more 4K space, and more great History and Science than you'll ever watch, check out our sister network... magellantv.com/featured A startling collision in an ancient galaxy slews Earth's largest telescopes to a spot in the Hydra constellation. Two rapidly spinning neutron stars have violently merged to form a possible black hole. And, for the first time, astronomers see its electromagnetic flash and hear its gravitational thunder as they watch new elements being born. ABOUT US Here at SpaceRip, we value the exploration of the unknown. We surpass boundaries for the sake of uncovering the mysteries of the cosmos and what they may tell us about our origin and our future. With our videos, we hope to educate our viewers on how we fit into the universe, and more so how we can do our part to better it. We believe there is no better time to inform ourselves about the world around us. Our partnership with MagellanTV is aimed to educate viewers on our complex world to prepare for our rapidly changing future. Through our videos we hope to capture a variety of important topics with the overall goal of promoting positive discussion and action. Narrator: Perry Anne Norton Writer / Director: @DavidSkyBrody Executive Producer: Thomas Lucas

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