Category: Music
Tags: dubadubunemployementfightingamylife3dhighboxepocketsdarkworkingfrancecapitalismhardstandunemployedour own wayglobalisationfightpatrolpupajimfactoryboxerjayrotoscopieusinecharlie marskazypaybrestgreyanimationdub2dboxerswifeystand high patrolboxingjobdelocalisationpresidentbretagne
Description: STAND HIGH PATROL (Rootystep / Pupajim / Mac Gyver / Merry) Present "Jay's Life" - Single from the "Our Own Way" Album Label : STAND HIGH RECORDS "Our Own Way" LP - Release date July 24, 2020 Artwork : From the music video directed by Charlie Mars & Kazy Usclef Video / Animation : Charlie Mars & Kazy Usclef Buy / Listen the album : "Our Own Way" - Digital : Buy : "Our Own Way" 2LP / CD : Fr : Dubadub vibes and working class lyrics ! Stand High Patrol présente un nouveau single voicé par Pupajim et accompagné d’un clip de Charlie Mars & Kazy Usclef. Suite à la sortie de "Along The River" et « In The Park », les dubadub musketeerz dévoilent « Jay’s Life », troisième extrait de leur prochain album « Our Own Way ». Le morceau est disponible en Wav & Mp3 sur toutes les plateformes de téléchargement légal. Plus d'infos sur ce nouveau LP seront diffusées dans les mois à venir. Restez à l'affut !! Eng : Dubadub vibes and working class lyrics ! Stand High Patrol is back with a new tune and a new music video directed by Charlie Mars & Kazy Usclef. « Jay’s Life » is the third extract from « Our Own Way », the dubadub musketeerz's forthcoming LP. This fresh single, voiced by Pupajim, is available in Wav & Mp3. Stay tuned for more infos about the album !! Mixed by Claude Samnick Bidima, Rootystep & Mac Gyver @ Studio Bellarue 17 Composed by Pupajim – Vocal : Pupajim - Effects : Mac Gyver Mastering : Kerwax ------------------------------------------------------ JAY'S LIFE - MUSIC VIDEO (Rotoscopy, 2D animation, 3D animation, Video) Directed By Charlie Mars & Kazy Usclef Boxers : Vincent Garinet & Cédric Berthoud Boxer Training : Teddy Songolo Camera Operator : Axel Vanlerberghe Assistant Director : Claude Samnick Bidima Location Manager : François Pichon Catering : Louise Nué Thanks : Gérald Boulic & Pierrick Sorin ------------------------------------------------------ STAND HIGH PATROL // LINKS FB : INSTAGRAM : SOUNDCLOUD : TWEETER : SPOTIFY : DEEZER : YOUTUBE : BANDCAMP : WEBSITE : ------------------------------------------------------ Lyrics : Jay is working hard at the factory for the pay Amy is at home with their child every single day Today Jay just learned the closure of the factory He doesnt know how ! to say that to his wifey Jay is working hard at the factory for the pay Amy is at home with their child every single day Today Jay just learned the closure of the factory He doesnt know how ! to say that to his wifey Jay have been working in the factory, since he's 20 Hammering assembly lines, while the sun doesnt shine Jay goes to the pub to forget this, very bad day friday the 5th of june, every day is not a pay day At the bar, Jay watch mr president, at the TV The president says to a guy finding a job it's easy Hello honey how was ur day today? It was ok it was ok OK Jay is working hard at the factory for the pay Amy is at home with their child every single day Today Jay just learned the closure of the factory He doesnt know how ! to say that to his wifey Jay is working hard at the factory for the pay Amy is at home with their child every single day Today Jay just learned the closure of the factory He doesnt know how ! to say that to his wifey Jay is on his own he has, difficulty to swallow Bro you lost your job but it won't do you any good to wallow Thank you Bro but can you find me one ? well I don't really know How will I say that to Amy, my pokets are hollow Jay is on his own he has, difficulty to swallow Bro you lost your job but it won't do you any good to wallow Thank you Bro but can you find me one ? well I don't really know How will I say that to Amy, my pokets are hollow Jay is working hard at the factory for the pay Amy is at home with their child every single day Today Jay just learned the closure of the factory He doesnt know how ! to say that to his wifey Jay is working hard at the factory for the pay Amy is at home with their child every single day Today Jay just learned the closure of the factory He doesnt know how ! to say that to his wifey