Channel: Final Fantasy Peasant
Category: Gaming
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Description: $63,000,000 is truly an eye watering number, how bad? Well considering most of our beloved Final Fantasy titles from Square Enix alone didn't cost that much. Even adjusting to 2020 inflation. This really is a tank of the century and while I may be a late Peasant to this latest Square Enix news. I've been wanting to talk about it for a while. Everything with Marvel Avengers gives me the same vibe as what happened with Final Fantasy Dissidia NT and even FFXV comrades. Square Enix and online multiplayers games have had a turbulent history and while some successes have emerged, many have flopped. Final Fantasy crystal chronicles being a recent great example, failing to fix its online aspects. But Marvel Avengers tanking is perhaps the biggest hit to Square Enix reputation so far. This Peasant doesn't want to rub salt on any wounds if there are those genuinely enjoying the game. But the news is bleak for the game and lucking FF14 and FF7 Remake has been there to carry the brunt, keeping Square Enix in the profitable green! Another potentially decent multiplayer game lost to the graveyard of dead matchmaking To join in on Patreon benefits and keep the FFP cameras turned on: CHECK OUT THE NEW FFP TEESPRING STORE! It has dankerinio designs!: Peasantbook! Land of 15k plus Pezzers: Donate/tip to feed a Peasant: The twitterings: To see livestreams & Playthrough videos: