Channel: How To with Doc
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: when to apply pre emergentpre emergent weed killercrabgrass pre emergentpre emergent herbicideslawn pre emergentweed controlpreemergentpre emergent herbicidelawn care tipspre emergent weed controlbest pre emergent for springpre emergent herbicide for lawnslawn care pre emergentspring pre emergentdiy lawn carelawn carepre-emergentpre emergent bermuda grasslawn preemergentspring preemergent
Description: Products and Guides → Doc goes over spring lawn preemergents and how they work. He shows the results of a pre-emergent treatment and how it kills young roots, not seeds. You want seeds to germinate so they will die off. That's how pre-emergents work. From NC State: "Preemergence herbicides prevent germinated weed seedlings from becoming established; either by inhibiting the growth of the root, the shoot, or both. The herbicide must be incorporated into the soil via rainfall or irrigation, and be present when the weed seeds are germinating to be effective. Preemergence herbicides have NO EFFECT on weed seeds."