Channel: Lucky Penny Shop
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: easter eggsgaryeggsspongebob finders keepersplanketonpatrick starsandy cheekschocolate surprise eggspatrickmr krabsspongebob squarepantschocolate
Description: Hopefully this video brings a little cheer into your day. That is always my goal to brighten it! I had purchased these a month or so ago and did not get to them for Valentine's Day and figured this is even a more perfect holiday. Easter! Yep, why not show a chocolate egg for Easter. This has been a jam packed year, with candy, eggs, Paas kits, and much more. (Depending on when you see this video) I'm happy about the content this year over the last few years and glad that I could show them all to you. I wish I bought another six, but I think this was all they had on the shelf at the time. You know I like to try and find all of the different figures they show on the box. It was a bonus that there was only one dupe! That is a big bonus with items like this. I remember one video where I had 4 or 5 dupes! I decided to keep these eggs to give in Easter baskets because they are still in foil. Thanks again for stopping by and sharing part of your day with me. This video is intended for parents to help them make an informed decision about purchasing the item shown in the video. Many of these products are vintage and the videos are documenting the product for future generations to watch and learn about. #spongebob #easter #review #finderskeepers Lucky Penny Thoughts: LPS-Dave Later! We have a new Amazon Store Front of the products we show on video! ▶ Watch More Fun Demonstration Videos This video is not intended as an endorsement of the product shown. We were not paid or provided other non-monetary advantages or incentives to show this product.