Category: Gaming
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Description: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Legends no-commentary family friendly gameplay with my 100 level 5* Platinum Master Splinter & Shredder characters in Master League III PVP Tournament. Thanks for every Subscription, Like, Share or Comment. Your support is greatly appreciated! I collected my character collection for over 3 years. There are all Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Legends characters in my collection. Almost all characters are pumped to level 100. If you are interested in watching your favorite heroes in battle or review their skills, then write in the comments. At every turn, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have thwarted Kraang Prime’s plans to terraform the Earth into Dimension X. What’s an evil overlord to do? Hatch a nefarious new scheme, to create an army of Ultra Mutants Everywhere, the Kraang have kidnapped mutants - including the Ninja Turtles - for their DNA Tags for searching other Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games video from that theme: #TMNTLUpdateX #ninjaturtles #черепашкининдзя Thank you for watching. Best Regards! Your gameplaywatch (ex angryfungames) youtube channel