Channel: Beatbox Sax
Category: Music
Tags: derek brownbeat box saxleo pmoon hoochdouble tonguingcrazy saxophonesaxophonefastest saxtenor saxp.mauriatjodyjazzone man bandextended techniquessax musictoo many zoozfast saxophonebeatbox saxpmauriatlegere reedsjazz saxophonetenor saxophonefun saxophoneexciting sax musicsaxophone songsderek brown saxsolo saxophonecolin stetson
Description: -Original song composed and performed by Derek Brown (Recorded Live, No Overdubs) -Special thanks to Jonathan Jelks and Ambiance GR, for the great recording location! (Can't wait to see the finished club!) -Subscribe for more upcoming music videos and visit for much more! -Derek Brown plays a P.Mauriat System 76 tenor, JodyJazz DV Tenor 6 mouthpiece, Legere Signature Series reeds (2.5), and a BG Revelation Jazz ligature (soprano).