Channel: Gizmodo
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: sexual cannibalismspider sexsexual cannibalism spidersmale spiders catapultorb weaver spidercannibalist spiderspider matingspider cannibalismspider mating gone wrongsciencespiders catapult from sexgizmodoorb weaver male vs femaleorb weaver matingfemale spider cannibalism
Description: Male spiders have evolved a defense to avoid getting eaten after mating. Scientists in China have found that male orb weaver spiders catapult from sex with their female partners to avoid being eaten. This female spider cannibalism is due to the arachnids having a strong appetite for their spider sex partners. The male spiders avoid being eaten after sex by catapulting themselves nearly three feet from their partner immediately following the completed mating. Can you really blame them? #spidersex #spidercannibalism #malespiderscatapult Read more: We come from the future. Follow us.