Channel: DJIceWolf
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: speedpaintwolf speedpaintchainsfire alpacachaineddjicewolfangelfirealpacaicesslpschained angelaxelchained speedpaintangel wingsoc speedpain
Description: There's many times in life when one might feel trapped, chained even. Many of them good people who've done absolutely nothing to deserve the pain that comes with it. There are a lot of bad people in this world, yet it seems a lot of bad things only happen to those who have the purest of hearts. Why is this? Perhaps those who care the most are more prone to getting hurt because they wear their hearts on their sleeves. Maybe they are angels who've been forever cursed to continually spiral into a dark pit of despair. We all know that we live in a beautiful and cruel world. Sometimes it just seems impossible to see the light when you've been in the dark for so long, chained in place and unable to move into the light. Do you have the strength to break those chains? Songs: VVV You can find me here! VVV Twitter: Deviantart: