Category: Science & Technology
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Description: This video will provide four quick tips on how to speed up your firestick and Fire TV which will allow it to perform better. This process will work on the Firestick, Firestick Lite, Fire TV, Fire TV Cube, and Fire TV Televisions. A fast Firestick or Fire TV will allow for buffer-free playback on your streaming device. The Firestick has become the most popular free streaming device on the market due to its low price point and unbeatable performance. These Firestick tricks will make it perform even better! In this video, I will show you how to clean the Firestick by uninstalling apps, force stopping apps, updating Fire OS, clearing cache, deleting unnecessary files, and doing a factory reset. A Firestick Factory reset should always be your last ditch effort to cure a slow device. But, if you do need to format your Firestick, I suggest using my TROYPOINT Rapid App installer so you will be back up and running in no time flat. This page includes affiliate links where TROYPOINT may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Many times, you will receive a discount due to the special arrangements made for our visitors. I will never promote something that I personally don't use or recommend. Purchasing through my links directly supports TROYPOINT which keeps the content and tools coming. Thank you! Links Mentioned in Video 🎁 Free TROYPOINT App with Rapid App Installer - 💥💥 Get Best IPVanish VPN Discount (Stream & Download Anonymously) - ✅ How to Install VPN on Firestick & Android TV Box - 🔥 Amazon Firestick -