Channel: handmade gifts Ideas
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: handmade scrapbookhow to make scrapbookanniversary scrapbook tutorialdiy scrapbookanniversary scrapbook for husbandbirthday scrapbookanniversary giftscrapbookscrapbook for anniversaryscrapbook ideashandmade scrapbook for anniversaryanniversary scrapbookscrapbook tutorialhow to make scrapbook for anniversaryscrapbook for boyfriendanniversary scrapbook ideashow to make anniversary scrapbookanniversaryscrapbook for wedding anniversary
Description: Beautiful handmade scrapbook idea in this video iam going to show you special and easy scrapbook at home. DIY handmade special scrapbook for parents anniversary . ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Please like the video, if you like the scrapbook subscribe and share. ------------------------------------------- Use Materials : Black card stock paper Card board White Glitter sheet Black glitter sheet Red glitter sheet Printed sheets Scicessor Fevicol Pencil Scale Printable stickers Stones White sparkle pen Red ribbon ------------------------------------------- #scrapbook#anniversaryscrapbook#fulltutorial#scrapbookmaking ------------------------------------------- Don't forget like share subscribe and comments keep supporting. {THANKS FOR WATCHING ❤️ 🤗} ------------------------------------------- Music by YouTube library -------------------------------------------