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Sorry Ukulele Players, You Can't Just Play an E7 - Extended Chord Theory Tutorial

Duration: 19:15Views: 1.2KLikes: 56Date Created: Apr, 2022

Channel: TenThumbs Productions

Category: Music

Tags: ukuleleroman numerals and chordsthe major scale on ukulelemusic theory for ukulele playerse chord tutorialmaj7 chords explainedchord construction on ukulelehow to play the e chord on the ukuleledominant 7 chords explainedturning a scale into chords on ukuleletriadsukulele tutorialmusic theorye chord for ukulele playersa major scaleuke theorywhats the difference between an emaj7 and an e7e7 chord tutorialchord constructione major scale

Description: Sorry Ukulele Players, You Can't Just Play an E7 - Extended Chord Theory Tutorial What is the difference between an Emaj7 and an E7? Was is the difference between a 7th interval and a flat 7th interval? Don't know? This tutorial is for you then. Over the last couple of years doing these tutorials I have seen a couple commonalties in all Ukulele players, one of them being by the time they get to a song with an E chord they are discouraged because the E so can be very hard to play, so a lot of people look for the work around and decide, you know what? I am just going to play an E7.... well my ukulele friends, if it were only that simple. The E chord exists in three major keys, the key of E, A and B. In the key of E it is the I chord, in A it is the IV and in B it is the V. If you use extended harmony to turn these chords into 7ths we will see that in E it is an Emaj7, A it is an E7 and B it is an Emaj7, so that means depending on the key it is sometimes okay to play the E7 and sometimes it isn't. In this tutorial we are going to break down the what difference is between Maj7 and 7 chords, how to turn a major scale into triads and how to turn those triads into 7 chords, there 4 note extended harmony, we will also discuss when it is okay to use the E7 and when you shouldn't. The maj 7 chord is Root, 3rd, 5th and 7th. The dominant 7 chord is Root, 3rd, 5th and b7th. That means an E7 chord has a D note, but the key of E and B don't have a D note, so using the E7 means you are using it as a non-diatonic chord which can confuse the ear as to which chord would be the I chord, meaning the listener can lose sense of the key. If you play E7 in the key of E it will push the ear towards thinking the IV chord is the root, or the A chord, which we will weaken the resolution of the song, which is something we want to avoid, take the journey with me! Tabs - patreon.com/TenThumbsPro 1-1 lessons - tenthumbsproductions@gmail.com Instagram - instagram.com/tenthumbspro/?hl=en Facebook - facebook.com/tenthumbsproductions

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