Channel: idubeats productions
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: sensual beat instrumentaldukicall me thaibeatssensual trap beatidubeatspista de rap romanticobeatz erabad bunny type beatkheabuy sensual trapdanny ebcase g musicr&b2018free smooth trap instrumentalfree sensual trap beattower beatzpista de trapthaibeatscallme thaibeatsidubeats my girl
Description: ✘Purchase this beat Untagged (MP3/WAV): ▶ ▶Instagram: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Importante: USO LIBRE PERO... ▶No registres tu canción si estas usando mi beat ( derechos de autor ), Todos los beats son de uso libre para fines no lucrativos. Si utiliza beats siempre dar crédito (Prod by: IduBeats) en la descripción o título, de manera contraria se denunciará el video. FREE USE (TAGGED BEAT) BUT... ▶Not register your song if you're using my beat (copyright), Feel free to use our beats for non-profit projects but be sure that proper credit is given! "Prod. by IduBeats", include YT/FB/Website links in the description) Thanks!