Channel: Patrick Sullivan
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: ivory carvinginlaymaking toolscarbide toolscarvingshaping carbidewood carvingdecorative carvingcutting carbidebone carvingminiature chiselswoodworkingmarquetrycustom toolsdemonstrationtutorialtungsten carbidemicro chiselsmicro tools
Description: In this 2-part series, I show how you can make solid tungsten carbide chisels in your own shop, custom designed to meet your needs. These are tools that will stay sharp up to 100 times longer than ordinary steel chisels. You don’t need a lot of specialized equipment, and the diamond stones and blades you will need have become extremely affordable. For more information on making micro-sized chisels and gouges, see my earlier series Making Detail Carving Tools, Part 1: For more information on making handles, ferrules, and setting the blades, see Making Detail Carving Tools, Part 3: For the second video in this series, see For a template of the turned handle, see my website at . Note:I receive no free products or fees from the makers of any of the products in my videos.