Channel: Sofia Karlberg
Category: Music
Tags: crazy in love fifty shades of grey theme songcrazy in love coversofia karlberg a thousand sliverssofiakarlbergtake me to church - hozier coversofia karlbergsofia karlberg rockstarsofia karlberg - crazy in love coverstockholm syndromesofia karlberg stockholm syndromesofia karlberg - crazy in love (lyrics) - fifty shades of grey trailera thousand sliverssofia karlberg - a thousand sliverssofiakarlbergsofia karlberg - crazy in love
Description: Sofia Karlberg - A Thousand Slivers This is probably one of the favorite songs I've written so far and I hope it can get you on other thoughts during these crazy times.. ❤️ hope you like it Listen to "A Thousand Slivers" on your preferred platform here: Follow Sofia Karlberg: Instagram: Spotify: Apple Music: Deezer: