Channel: CottonCandyCorner
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: no kneadno ovenhow tobreadgarlicbreadturkish flatbreadscotton candy cornerrecipewhite breadquickly breadeasy breadpan breadsimple breadwithout ovenpita breadflatbreadflatbread recipebread recipegrilled flatbreadbazlamasandwichbreadwhitebreadnokneadbread
Description: So delicious Quick and Easy Flatbread Recipe for everyday cooking!No Oven! Water 100ml Yogurt 100g White sugar 5g/1tsp Flour 250g/1+2/3cups Baking powder 5g/1tsp Salt 3g/0.5tsp Olive oil 15g/1tbsp #flatbread #Pita bread #Grilled flatbread #No oven bread #Pan bread #bazlama ** SUBSCRIBE ** To my YouTube Channel for more videos and click the bell so you will not miss any of my videos: