Channel: Marz
Category: Gaming
Tags: alien basegirl gamershallowsplaystation 5gaming channelcraftlearningauroraalienfirst timemarz playsps5open worldvideogamescannergamercyclopsscarycrash landingcuddlefishnewlets playgamingreactionsurvivealienssubnauticasurvivalbuilding baseyoutube gamingmarzoceanunknown worldsfirst playthroughplaythroughquarantinejumpscaregameplay
Description: In part 8, we dive into the deep and experience our first baby ghost leviathan, then we play with a cuddlefish! This game has been suggested for a long time so I decided to check it out on Streams and explore. I've had a ton of fun just zoning out to this game so figured I'd sync this over for those who were looking for it! ⯆ More Below ⯆ Thank you guys for all your continual support Subscribe + Leave a Like for More! 😎 ________________________________________ 🌱 Join the Marz Fam’ 🌱 For more Let’s Plays, Glitches, Laughs, Vlogs and other odds and ends! Costarring ⇾ Luka the Barking Doggo 🐶 ________________________________________ ►|DONATE TO THE CHANNEL| PATREON ⇾ ►|FOLLOW + CHAT WITH ME| TWITCH ⇾ (Live M/W/F @ 2pm EST) DISCORD ⇾ INSTAGRAM ⇾ TWITTER ⇾ #subnautica #marz #unknownworlds #pc #letsplay #playthrough #firstplaythrough #gaming #beginning #survival #openworld #sea #ocean #firsttime #alien #alienbase #buildingbase #building #aurora #ghostleviathan #shallows #cyclops #cuddlefish