Channel: Stoned Meadow Of Doom 2
Category: Music
Tags: doom metalstoner metalretro rocksnowchild albumalbumpsychedelic rockage of change albumheavy psychage of change full albumproto doomstoner musicsnowchild age of changefull albumsnowchild full albumage of changesnowchild bandstoned meadow of doomhard rockheavy metalproto metalsnowchild age of change albumblues rocksnowchildstoner rock
Description: Kansas trio Snowchild throw stoner, psych, blues and hard rock into a big melting pot, chuck in a big dollop of groove and serve it molten hot! Amazing blend of doom styles , yet always maintaining a Sabbath vibe throughout. I also am reminded of Pallbearer at times. This reminds me of the first few Sahg records, but with a tiny bit more doom and quite a bit more blues elements. Like Sahg meets Cream. There is an awesome organ part in track 2, even though Snowchild seems to be and sounds like a power trio. Superb stuff. 1. Age of Change 2. Born in Flames 3. Kings of Koch 4. Boudica