Channel: Clip'wreck
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: slysmoothest guy everclipwreckmad skillssmooth movesmooth as fuck compilationlady's mansavessick moves compilationsly guy compilationmad skills compilationgood savesmoothslickgenius movessmooth move compilationthug life compilationsmooth pick upslick compilationthuglife compilationsmooth as fuckcrazy savegood save compilationclipwreck compilationthug lifesmooth pickup compilationsly movesamazing recovery
Description: SMOOTH MOVE COMPILATION ►► Call them slick, sly, seductive, or just lucky, but these people got moves. Be they amazing recoveries or genius pick ups, these clips show the skills to pay the bills. ►Visit the Clip'wreck Channel to see more awesome, funny, and amazing Compilation Videos! ( ►Follow Clip'wreck on Twitter! ( *********************************************************** I am not the creator of this content. I am just a compiler of online content I find enjoyable. For any concerns about content ownership, please contact me at the address listed in my channel description. ***********************************************************