Channel: Lawrence Kenshin Striking Breakdowns
Category: Sports
Tags: american kickboxingbest muay thai fightersomsong vs dave humphriesmartial artsfighting taller fightersbest muay thai techniquehow to fight biggerbuakawsaenchai vs buakawtaekwondofighting bigger fighterskaratemuay thai tutorialbest kickboxergiant slayerfighting giantsmuay thai vs kickboxingsaenchai
Description: Ever seen a small fighter walking down a big fighter? If you've been paying attention to Muay Thai history, you most certainly have. But if you haven't, you'll have missed that Muay Thai fighters are giant slayers, because they have hardly been given their credit. Muay Thai is not just stand and bang, nor are they particularly superior athletes. But what is indeed superior, proven through history is their holistic application of techniques. No, they didn't beat fighters of others styles all the time, but the win rates were insane despite a huge weight difference at times. They didn't just fight anyone either, they fought the best champion the world had to offer. Interested in fighting bigger opponents with Saenchai teaching you? How to Fight Giants VIP Waitlist: ----------------------------------- Instagram: Facebook: