Channel: Dicerz
Category: Gaming
Tags: runescapeking black dragonbossingskillingscaping 9 to 5osrs guideoldoldschool runescapekbdrunescape as a jobfamily friendlyrunescape money makingrunescape mobileosrs2007rs3runescape guideschoolfree to playdicerz osrsosrs money makingbimosrsbouafg2007scape
Description: BIMOSRSBUOAFG #3! Doing The King Black Dragon (KBD) in Old School RuneScape but using a guide from 2005 that was written for RuneScape classic, things happened and there was a lot of d-longs. If you'd like to support the channel, there are many ways to do so, like leaving a rating and a comment. There are also other, monetary ways to help out a lot, including: BECOME A MEMBER! - BUY SOME MERCH! - If you'd like to join the fold (becoming apart of the community), check out these links: Dicerz on Twitter: The Fold Discord Server: Have suggestions for future Old School RuneScape content? Leave a suggestion anywhere i can see it, in the comments, discord, twitter, wherever! Thank you for watching my OSRS content. Editing done by Josh: