Channel: MojoPlays
Category: Gaming
Tags: assassins creed valhalla combatvideo game comparisonskyrim detailsskyrim vswatch mojoassassin's creed valhallatop 10skyrimvalhalla vs skyrimassassin's creed valhalla vs skyrimassassins creedac valhalla comparisonadventure gamesac valhallamojoskyrim comparisonassassin's creed valhalla detailsac valhalla vswatchmojolistassassin's creeddetails comparisonac valhalla detailsassassins creed valhallaac valhalla vs skyrimvideo games
Description: Welcome to MojoPlays! Today it’s a battle of details between "Skyrim" and "Assassin's Creed Vahalla" - which dev did it best? Despite being released 9 years apart, both games are known and criticized for operating on a buggy engine to support their massive world, both share thematically similar Nordic ties, both offer plenty of unique player interactions, and their Metacritic scores are closer than you might think. But you tell us! Let us hear your thoughts in the comments on which game's minute details surpasses the other. 0:00 - Intro 0:39 - Swimming 1:05 - Stairs 1:19 - Arrow Behaviour 1:59 - Bug Catching 2:21 - Rolling 2:35 - Eagle Vision 2:49 - Equestrian Climbing 3:05 - Fire 4:04 - Heights 4:35 - Fishing 5:10 - Bird Hunting 5:37 - Foraging 5:48 - Lure Guard 6:10 - Fisticuffs 6:23 - Poison 6:45 - Fire Trap 6:58 - Looting 7:14 - Waiting 7:38 - Outro Video created by Josh McLean: Watch more great gaming videos here: The Creepiest Secrets in Skyrim: The 10 Coolest Armors In Assassin's Creed Valhalla: 10 Coolest Weapons In Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Subscribe for more great content! Got ideas? Great, give them to us NOW! MojoPlays is your source for reviews, lists, Let's Plays, character origins and video game lore. #Skyrim #AssassinsCreedValhalla #ACValhalla #AssassinsCreed #Valhalla