Channel: HeirofCarthage
Category: Gaming
Tags: vortexwarhammer 3ogresadviceskrag#totalwarwarhammergreat mawtipsheirofcarthagetotal war warhammer 3guide#warhammerfirst lookoverviewskarbrandskrag the slaughterer - total war warhammer iii - part 5early accessbattleskraggfirst campaign#totalwaronlinecampaignwalkthroughheirofcarthagestrategycommentary#totalwarwarhammeriiigameplay
Description: Get your gutz out and get hungry. Ogres are back! Couldn't stream them on Thursday due to schedule but here is some recorded action from our Skrag campaign. If you want to support the channel and you will be buying Warhammer 3 if you do it through this link it helps me out. SKRAG THE SLAUGHTERER - Total War Warhammer III - Part 5 #TotalWar #TotalWarWarhammer #TotalWarWarhammerIII #Warhammer Join the HeirofCarthage Discord! Follow me on Twitter!