Channel: InnerBark Outdoors
Category: Entertainment
Tags: datecampingrvdiy solar mountpanelstiny homeoff gridsolaroff grid solarcabinself reliancesolar powered cabinsolar mounted awningsolar cabinself sufficientawning mountdiycovered decksocial mediasolar awninginnerbark outdoorssolar poweroff grid cabinlatest projectsoverlandawningoverlandinggreen energyhome madeoff the gridtiny houseproject cost12vgridsolar railwildernesssolar panelstop of the roof
Description: Due to the orientation of the roof of our cabin, we decided to build an awning to mount our 300 watt solar panels. Not only did this allow us to orient our panels facing South, but it also gave us extra cover for our porch. This project cost approximately $200 and took a few days to complete in total. We still have 2 more panels to mount, but those will go on top of the roof and will be angled south. Official website, blog, and online store. Join me on social media to be up to date on the latest projects, news, and giveaways. Facebook- Twitter- Pintrest- Instagram-