Channel: Specific Love Creations
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: corner shelf ideassimple corner shelfhow to build a shelfgarage corner shelfdiy shelvescorner shelfcorner shelvescorner bookshelfgarage corner shelvingshelvesworkshop storagediy corner shelfcorner shelvingworkshop corner storagediy shelfcorner wall shelfsimple shelffloating corner shelfhow to make corner shelf
Description: Do you need a simple shelving system in the corner of your garage or workshop? Here is a simple way to make shelves with leftover wood from other projects. They are easy to install and look great. * If you would like to help support our channel, please use our affiliate page on Amazon (paid link), were we have listed a bunch of items we suggest. Just follow this link: Amazon Product Suggestions: (There is NO extra cost to you.) * MORE Workshop Projects: 100+ French Cleat Ideas Playlist Simple Mobile Miter Saw Station Simple Rolling Storage Cart for Your Garage Narrow Workbench for Tiny Garage or Workshop Parts Organizer Storage Cabinet Wall Lumber Rack Storage // Easy DIY Heavy Duty Mobile Shelving / DIY How-To Power Tool Tips for Beginners Playlist * Your results may vary depending on type of materials, your craftsmanship, and tools at hand. We are not responsible for any damages or injuries that might occur. Use of video content for personal projects is at your own risk. Some links in description are affiliate links that let you help support our channel at no extra cost to you. Music from YouTube library. #diy #garage #shelves 2 Timothy 2:20