Channel: Practical Folks
Category: Comedy
Tags: dreamworksgoing postalecomedyshrekvideojames graesslefilmcaitlin postaljoel arnoldanimationjames a. janissepractical folksgoingpostalejajdrunkpersonalitydrunk dreamworksdrinking gameanimatedchelsea rebeccafunnyfun
Description: Joel, Caitlin and Graessle watch 2001's Shrek, DreamWork's 5th film, as their FINAL EPISODE of Drunk DreamWorks! It's been a long time coming but they've finally watched every single DreamWorks Animation feature films - thanks for sticking with them the entire run of the series! Does Lord Farquad work for Mark Zuckerberg? Is Shrek originally from Chicago? And just how funny is this bit, guys? Like, seriously. Isn't this great? The "Drunk DreamWorks" series follows Practical Folks on their quest to watch every DreamWorks Animation films with a drinking game, and the lessons they learn along the way. Subscribe to us so you can catch every episode: Things We Drank To on this episode of Drunk Dreamworks: 1) Stephen, Jeffrey, and David 2) Smashmouth 3) The literate Ogre culture that we don't hear about in this film 4) The rules 5) Crossbows 6) Tapedecks 7) A lady's courtesies being her armor 8) Women's self-defense classes 9) Sunflowers 10) The USS Enterprise D 11) The end of an era 12) Vice President Tim Kaine PATREON (monthly rewards!) ►► Support our channel and get sweet shirts at our merch page ►►►► Follow Practical Folks on Social Media: Facebook ► Twitter ► Instagram ► Tumblr ► Drunk Disney Instagram ► All trademarks are the property of their respective holders. Clips and/or audio used from: Shrek, copyright 2001 DreamWorks Music: "Fingernail Grit" by Podington Bear Practical Folks theme by: C.N. Pratt ► To all our current and future employers: We humbly request you do not fire / judge us over this. SHREK (Drunk Dreamworks #33)