Channel: GMB Fitness
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: shoulder mobility for olympic liftingbest shoulder exercisesrotator cuff exercises for pain reliefexercises for shoulder painhow to fix shoulder painshoulder mobilityshoulder pain exercises at homefix shoulder painhow to rehab shouldersrotator cuff exercisesshoulder pain routinephysical therapyshoulder rehab exercisesgmb fitnessshoulder rehabshoulder painbulletproof shouldersshoulder prehabshoulder mobility exercises
Description: More shoulder pain resources here 👉 If your shoulders are tight and stiff, or if you’ve had shoulder injuries in the past, you need to get prehab time in before training. Instead of telling you to do the same old boring band warmups you probably won’t do anyway, Ryan gives you two movements that'll do more for improving your shoulders and are actually fun. Subscribe for more tutorials like this: We really hope you found this video useful. Please leave a comment if you have any questions at all. We'll do our best to help.