Channel: Top Tennis Training - Pro Tennis Lessons
Category: Sports
Tags: tennis playershould you stay low in tennistennis balltennis lessoncoach simoncoach simon konovtop tennis training shortsstay low in tennistop tennis trainingtennistennis tipsshould you stay low in tennis? #shortstop tennis training tipsstay low in tennis?tennis courtstay low tennis
Description: Should You Stay Low In Tennis? #shorts 👉 A common tip that is often misunderstood is to ‘stay low’ 👉 When dealing with low balls, you will want to stay low 👉 However, on most shots, you’ll want to create ground force using your legs to drive into the shot 👉 The legs are the strongest muscle group in the body, so it makes sense that we want to engage them when hitting 👉 Focus on loading the legs in a semi-lunge position, then driving into the ball 🎾 #tennis #youtube #shorts