Channel: RestoredCOG
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: keeping the sabbathsabbathsabbath definitionshould i keep the sabbathsabbath keeping churchesis the sabbath on saturday or sundayhow to keep the sabbathchurch of godrestored church of godthe sabbath daysabbath keeping church of godkeeping the sabbath daysabbath meaningsabbath day saturday or sundaysabbath keepingthe sabbathwhat day is the sabbath dayold testament vs new testamentdavid c packsabbath day holysaturday sabbath day
Description: Observing the Sabbath is the Fourth Commandment, but does God still expect us to keep it? The Sabbath is the seventh day of the week, but did God change it to Sunday? This video gives a glimpse of the importance of the Sabbath, straight from your Bible! To learn more, read our free book, “Saturday or Sunday – Which Is the Sabbath?” at