Channel: Samuel Leach
Category: Education
Tags: tradingtrading strategytrading forexfx tradinghow to trade forexcluster tradingformula for successcluster 2.0samuelandcotradingethyldfxfx news tradingforex tradingstock tradingsamuel and co tradingtrading to successforex trading strategyforex for beginnersforexcryptocryptocurrencyfxchoicesamuel leach tradertechnical analysisfundamental tradingbitcoin
Description: Today I am discussing whether or not now is the right time to buy bitcoin. As well as covering the different media angles and how they are affecting investor behaviour around the crypto market. Here is my take on what should be done at the current price. This video is sponsored by FXChoice for more information check the links below. Weekly Lesson Webinar: Links In Video: Sponsor: Weekly Close Friends: TRADING: WEBSITE: CLUSTER INDICATOR: TRADEMATE: ADD ME ON: YOUTUBE: @Samuel Leach WHATSAPP: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: WHO THE HECK AM I?: I am Samuel Leach a stock and fx trader, my journey started by working up the ranks through the leading independent private bank in the UK known as C Hoare & Co. I quickly fell in love with the mathematical side behind trading stocks and FX. I built up my personal wealth trading the stock and fx markets and then opened Samuel and Co Trading. This educational hub teaches individuals how to trade and diversify in the financial markets. To date, Samuel and Co Trading have taught thousands of individuals around the world how to understand the markets. Fast forward to 2020 and I am now an author of my book Formula For Success and Yahoo Finance ranked number one trader to follow in 2020. Whilst Samuel and Co Trading has just come 7th out of 500 companies in the UK for Fintech Disrupter Awards in 2020 for their highly recognised algorithmic trading. Find out more about us at RISK DISCLAIMER: This video offers information about investing, and Sam’s and the team’s personal experience but not personal or financial advice. If you follow up on the ideas, that’s great but check out that the ideas work for you and the information is still good should you place a trade. Please remember past performance is not a guide to future returns and that investments can go up and down in value, so you could get back less than you put in. Please refer to the terms and conditions on our website for more information and the risk warning for more information: