Channel: FedeRabaquino
Category: Entertainment
Tags: stick tricksalvaro rabaquinodrumyou shook me all night longacdclos angeles (city/town/village)bungeeoficialrock coverlive performancecovermontevideomusico uruguayodescarriladothe best drummer of the worlddrum coverbateriavideo oficialfederabaquinolatin drummerdrummingfedevideoclipgrita mas fuertebateristabungeefede rabaquinohard rockback in blackversion en vivomusicadrumsrabaquinouruguaycover de bateria
Description: Follow me on: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡THANKS FOR WATCHING THIS VIDEO!!!!!!!!!! I have the pleasure and honor to have my brother Alvaro Rabaquino in this song. What you will hear was all recorded by him (guitars, keyboards, bass and his incredible/astonishing/bright/enormous/high pitch/big/amazing/unique vocals). I´m very lucky to have him as my brother, hi is my true inspiration!!! I don´t have words to express my gratitude to all the people that has inspired and helped me through all this years. This "Outdoor Series" is the result of endless hours of hard work REALLY hard work and talks with friends and family that were always there encouraging me to keep working and doing what I love. I believe that the "Outdoor Series" is the best Series I`ve done so far and it will take a lot more work to overcome in the future. .... and of course if you are reading this I only have words of gratitude to YOU because you gave me the love and support I needed to recorded my self playing 2 years ago when I started making these drum covers. I´d like to thank these people because they showed me love, support, dedication and helped me making this Series. They are true friends and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! Alvaro Rabaquino, Vanella Rabaquino Fefi Donner, Fefota Barreneche, Rulo Cruce, Javi Callejon, Marcelo Bertolotti, Ale Mennel, Juan Branaa, Martin Brizolara, Nati Ferrero, Nico Modernel and my parents Alvaro and Adriana. OUTDOOR DRUM SERIES directed, edited and mixed by Fede Rabaquino CAMERAS by Alvaro Rabaquino, Rulo Cruce and Marcelo Bertolotti AUDIO RECORDING by Fefi Donner and Fede Rabaquino VIDEO INTRO directed by Javi Callejon Special Thanks to Packman Films Thank you guys for taking the time to watch my videos. It means a lot to me!!! I really appreciate all your support, emails, comments, suggestions and good vibe!!! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to my channel!!! ACDC - "Shook me all Night Long" from the 1980 release "Back in Black" Copyrighted property of its owner(s) -{}- Vic Firth / MEElectronics /