Channel: Jamie Grace
Category: Music
Tags: bootlegthejamiegraceshowgod girlbroadwayshe used to be mine karaokewaitress soundtrackmental healthjaime gracewaitress musicaldream bigshe used to be minebroadway covershe used to be mine jeremy jordansara bareillesharper stilljamie-gracejeremy jordanjamie gracewaitressshow lovewonderfulnew musicanxietybeautiful dayvocal coach reactsnew songwaitresses christmas wrappingwaitress she used to be minethe jamie grace podcast
Description: thanks for listenin :) i love this so, so much. and pulled a little from some of my favorite arrangements (including jeremy jordan's duh) to create this song. she used to be mine // if you loved this video, here’s how you can help me keep this content alive: ]] Follow me on Instagram x tiktok @jamiegraceh ]] Sponsor me on Patreon @