Channel: Hans Vito
Category: Comedy
Tags: camila cabello senoritalolcamila cabello parodyshawn mendes senoritacutecoversenorita covershawn mendes camila cabello senorita music videoparodia senoritashawn mendes and camila cabelloseñoritashawn mendescamila cabello coverfunnymusic videoshawn mendes parodyfunny videosparodyremakesenorita parodydoperecreatecamila cabelloparodiasenoritashawn mendes and camila cabello senoritashawn mendes coversenorita music video
Description: Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello - "Señorita" Cover Video (PARODY) watch all my videos that got blocked + exclusive content + other creators content = i took 2 weeks to edit this video 😡😔 My Instagram : (@hansvitoo) My Twitter : thanks for watching Bye 💖