Channel: Lucky Tackle Box
Category: Sports
Tags: pondsubscription boxlucky tackle boxfishinghow to fishshoremystery tackle boxfishing tipspanfishlargemouth bassmonthly subscription boxfishing tipbass fishingbasscrappielake
Description: In this how-to video, you’ll learn when it's time to throw the squarebill and when to go for your lipless crank. +++ Lucky Tackle Box is a monthly fishing subscription box for all anglers - beginners, experts, and everyone in between. We deliver a curated box with baits, terminal tackle, and accessories each month while providing you with the education on how, when, and where to use them. To learn more head over to 🎣 SUBSCRIBE for more AWESOME FISHING TIPS 👉​ FOLLOW US HERE AS WELL: 👉 Instagram: @luckytacklebox​​ 👉 Twitter: @LuckyTackleBox​​ 👉 Facebook: #fishingtips #freshwaterfishing #crankbait