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Duration: 24:00Views: 1.1MLikes: 43.2KDate Created: Apr, 2019

Channel: Taylor Nicole Dean

Category: Pets & Animals

Tags: petsbearded dragontaylor nicole dean house tourreptilessnakestaylor deananimal roomsetting up snake cagereptile roomreptile room touranimalslizard cagesnake cagesetting up reptile roomanimal room tourmy pet snaketaylor nicole deantaylor nicole dean snakehouse tour taylor deanhouse tourtaylor nicole dean houseanimal room tour 2019mansion tourpet snakeshow to build snake cageanimal room tour taylor nicole deanpet reptiles

Description: I'm finally back and ready to make some fun new videos :) PART 1 (Minus Intro): 2:34 PART 2 (UPSTAIRS ONLY): 8:04 *i forgot to take a thumbnail so sorry for the awkward one lmao* Also srry for my messy background, I only have one trashcan right now and it's full so all the food just sits there that I've had since i've moved in lol... i just moved in don't judge me. While I was away I bettered my deteriorating mental health and then moved into a new house for a fresh start with my animals and I. I couldn't be happier. Remember, this is not a "meet my pets" video, I stress this because not all my animals were shown. i DID size down to only one aquarium, though. So that's why you only see one instead of three. Thank you all for the tremendous amount of love and support i recieved during this hard journey. No, I'm not ready to talk about it in a video to all my followers in depth. So that's why I'm choosing not to address the personal struggles and demons I faced during my time away and instead focus on the bright future I can have here on this platform. Thank you again. Love, Taylor. ----------------- WATCH MORE: My Latest Videos - goo.gl/6Bwvua CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE TO SUPPORT ME AND MY ANIMALS: goo.gl/1GlVxm ---------- P.O. BOX ADDRESS: CURRENTLY INACTIVE ------------------ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: TWITTER: twitter.com/taylorndean INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/taylorndean

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