Channel: Erickson Gaming
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: nintendofunny sephiroth reactionsepherothandres ericksonnintendo switchaeris reactionnintendo memesff7funny smash bros reactionreaction compilationjames ericksonsephiroth smash trailersepharothyoutuber reactionsff7 smash brosfunny nintendogamers
Description: Another video where an internet guy reacts and freaks out and screams and cries because a video game character joins more video game characters in another video game. Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7 joins Super Smash Bros Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch as he should. I like eggs. Subscribe today for funny videos, countdowns, contests, live streaming, and much more video game garbage! THE GAME THIS VIDEO IS ABOUT (Or nothing) FOLLOW US... INSTAGRAM: ericksongaming / andresperickson DISCORD: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: TWITCH for more casual fun!: James and Andres Erickson