Channel: iPhone Photography School
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: iphone camera featuresslow shutter effectiphone photography tipslearn iphone photographylive photosmobile photography tips and tricksmobile photographylong exposureemil pakarklisiphonecreative effectsmartphone photographyslow shutterappleiphone 11 proexposurehow to use iphone cameraiphoneographyiphone cameraiphone photography schoolphotographymotion bluriphone camera tricks
Description: Find out more about iPhone Photo Academy: Long exposure is a really interesting and creative photography technique...It lets you capture beautiful motion blur when there’s movement in the scene. 🌊 Now, you might think that the iPhone is not capable of taking stunning long exposure photos...Quite the opposite! Shooting long exposure photos on your iPhone is quick and easy, and the results are impressive. 📱Watch this video, and discover secrets for taking incredible long exposure iPhone photos. Then click here for more iPhone photography tips and tricks: