Channel: Polymer Clay Artist
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: polymer clay artistsculpeyclay ideassculpting with polymer claysculpturesuper sculpeyelephant sculpturecraft ideasclay videosclay artistpolymer claysculpting videosfree sculpting lessonsclay projectshow to sculpt an elephant
Description: Hello guys and welcome back to part 3 of this time lapse sculpting demonstration. I'm attempting to make an elephant using both polymer clay and a small statue of an elephant as a guide. So far I have the wire armature formed and it's been bulked-out using foil. In this video I add 2 layers of clay to this using the pasta machine (full thickness) All I'm aiming for here is 2 complete layers of clay to guarantee this is AT LEAST that thick all over, and no thinner. Thin areas can cause cracking. I do this for all medium to large sized sculptures. I know this is super simple for a video but I promise things will get more interesting in the next video lol I ordered a new camera mount so now I can better control my shots! ARKON cmphd006 8-Inch Tall Heavy Duty Multi Angle Camera Mount and man is it awesome! Previously I've been hanging my very expensive camera using wire, tape, thumbtacks, and a broken 2-legged tripod.. I'm not even kidding! I also moved my entire work area from one room to another for more space. I'll show you these changes if you'd like in another video. One last thing and this is a big mess up on my part... Aside from THIS video, every video I've uploaded with this new camera is WRONG! Just the other day I've learned a little about Bitrate and multi-pass encoding... you see, my editing program is so old there is no presets for 4k video. So what i've been doing is just changing the format sized from 1080x1920 to 2160x3840, and did nothing else. Well, by default the bitrate is set to 9000kbs single pass, but my camera uses up to 100000kbs. What I was basically doing was stretching the video to a larger size but only allowing the bitrate for 1090p video... this causes artifacting and blurry pixelated scenes!'s kinda funny in a way, to me at least lol So when I say I ..."learn as I go"... I don't just mean sculpting, but video editing, networking and pretty much anything else that has to do with making videos Now the videos will "look" how they are supposed to! The previous few videos will stay the same though even though I still have the project files... Sorry for all the weird info but its kinda related lol Thank you so much for your time! Don't forget to like this video to help me out I'd appreciate it so much! If you're new please consider subscribing it's free..