Channel: TheVolgun
Category: Entertainment
Tags: scp foundationscpthevolgunscp agencyscpfoundationscpshorror narrationscp lessonscp creaturessecure contain protectdoctor millerthevolgun scpdoctor millarvoice actingwhat is scpscp explaineddangerous scp creaturesobject classscp secret laboratoryscp secret labdangerous scpcreepypastaparanormalscp foundation explained
Description: My Patreon -► Source -► Author -► "Doctor Cimmerian & djkaktus" - & Buy my Merch? -► All of my links! -► ╾╾╾ ►! Video Info !◄ SCP-3208 │ YKHN │ Keter │ Sleep SCP Item #: SCP-3208 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Public knowledge of SCP-3208 is to be controlled by Foundation personnel. Members of Mobile Task Force Mu-7 "The Whirlwinds" are to search all available media for signs of SCP-3208-infected individuals in order to enact isolation and quarantine. ╾╾╾ ►♪ Music ♪◄ Corvus B. Used with permission & composed by him especially for this channel, many thanks! Artist ♪ - Youtube Channel ♪ - ╾╾╾►Graphic design◄ The graphics that make up Dr. Millars office were created by me . All vocal performances are performed by me unless stated otherwise. "TheVolgun" logo was created and designed by me (Aaron McKee) to represent my YouTube channel and brand. Said logo is owned by me and is not covered by the creative commons license, therefore copying or reproducing the logo without my consent is not allowed. ╾╾╾►! Important !◄ The subject matter on which this video is based on originate from the SCP wiki. My adaptations are created with permission and with the purpose of adding value to the source content via voice acting, graphic design, animation and illustration ... none are present within the source material. ╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾ ✔ ( #scp #scpfoundation #thevolgun