Channel: TheVolgun
Category: Entertainment
Tags: scp foundationscpthevolgunscp agencyscpfoundationscpshorror narrationscp lessonscp creaturessecure contain protectdoctor millerthevolgun scpdoctor millarvoice actingwhat is scpscp explaineddangerous scp creaturesobject classscp secret laboratoryscp secret labdangerous scpcreepypastaparanormalscp foundation explained
Description: Source -► Support me -► Watch on Twitch! -► Join my DISCORD! -► Buy my Merch? -► Follow me on Instagram! ► ╾╾╾ ►! Author !◄ "DrEverettMann" ⤏ ╾╾╾ ►! Collaborators !◄ Thumbnail artist - I couldn't find the source. If you know or are the artist - please contact me. My email is on the about page of my channel. Please get in touch! ╾╾╾ ►! Video Info !◄ SCP-1983 │ Doorway to Nowhere │ Keter │ Extradimensional SCP Item #: SCP-1983 Object Class: Keter (Presumed Neutralized) Special Containment Procedures: Outpost 54 has been built on the land surrounding SCP-1983 and disguised as a chemical plant. The "plant" building serves as barracks for MTF Chi-13 ("Choir Boys"). All entry points into Outpost 54 are to be guarded at all times. Personnel will review Document 1983-12, which details the cover story to be given to any civilians expressing curiosity. 00:00 Title screen 00:12 Intro 00:29 Special Containment Procedures 01:47 Description 03:29 SCP-1983-2 04:27 Discovery 04:42 Addendum 1 05:02 Addendum 2 05:22 Addendum 3 06:05 Document 1983-15 06:16 + Special Containment Procedures 07:16 + Description 08:51 ++ living room 09:59 ++ moving through the house 11:26 ++ There's one thing you can do. 12:18 ++ nest 13:27 ++ real shadows 14:15 ++ "I can't go any further." 15:10 presumed neutralized 15:37 Outro 15:53 Patrons 16:57 End screen ╾╾╾ ►♪ Music ♪◄ Corvus B. Used with permission & composed by him especially for this channel, many thanks! Artist ♪ - Youtube Channel ♪ - ╾╾╾►Graphic design◄ The graphics that make up Dr. Millars office were created by me . All vocal performances are performed by me unless stated otherwise. "TheVolgun" logo was created and designed by me (Aaron McKee) to represent my YouTube channel and brand. Said logo is owned by me and is not covered by the creative commons license, therefore copying or reproducing the logo without my consent is not allowed. ╾╾╾►! Important !◄ The subject matter on which this video is based on originate from the SCP wiki. My adaptations are created with permission and with the purpose of adding value to the source content via voice acting, graphic design, animation and illustration ... none are present within the source material. ╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾ ✔ ( #scp #scpfoundation #thevolgun