Channel: ILoveBasketballTV
Category: Sports
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Description: Executing this move from R2BBALL will allow you to get past defenders in basketball once you understand how to do it! If you want to become better at 1v1 scenarios in basketball then you NEED to add this to your bag! The best scorers in basketball all do this, so If you want to become a great basketball player and help your basketball team, this video will help you score on any kind of defenders which will make you a better basketball player and the scariest person to guard on the court at all times! 😈 🎒 Get a FREE Scoring Workout & Add ELITE Moves to Your Bag Before The Next Game You Play 👇 #basketball #nba #ilovebasketballtv #basketballtraining #basketballtips #overtime #ballislife #espn #nbaplayoffs #shorts