Channel: All4TubeVLOGS
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: practical jokegameclownsfamily realityold houseentertainmentfamily funfamily homescaryparentingkidsstalkercomedyspiritsstrangershaunted housecreepy clownparanormal activitycreepy stalkerhauntedghostsouija boardcreepyscaredfamily videos
Description: We have been dealing with stalkers over the last eight years and during this particular time there was someone who kept coming to our house or to the windows I'm not sure what their intentions were. It was known by people in our community that our house has been haunted it's so some people become very curious. But considering the behavior of this individual it seems they have interest in knowing what we are doing especially the females in the house. Since a lot of strange things have been happening in our house this was a perfect time to pull a prank. After the prank took place then real paranormal activity was caught on camera and we cannot explain exactly what happened or how it happened but the camera saw it. This was before we started dealing with creepy clowns which became something that took over our YouTube videos for a while. Once again I had spoken about how I felt about kids playing with Ouija Boards. Included in this video are some fun family moments together just enjoying life.