Channel: diySatisfying
Category: Entertainment
Tags: waterwiggle cuttingcutting slimeslime asmrstressballslime compilationdiysatisfyingsatisfying water wigglw cuttingslime stressballwater wiggleslimestressball cutttingjiggly slimewater stressballwater wiggle slimediycompilationdiy satisfying water wigglediy slimecutting squishiesasmrslime compiation
Description: Water wiggle cutting and diy! Asmr& Satisfying 💓 Subscribe and check out my other videos too!🌟 We sell slime! Check out my sisters etsy: mangoslimeco Instagram: @mango_slime What makes my channel different, to other slime compilation YouTubers? * I ONLY choose super satisfying clips * I fit more slime clips into one video * I was one of the first satisfying compilationers on YouTube! Follow my twin sisters' Instagram! @mango_slime 🍉🍌🍍 Credits:(ig) @starbucks.slimess @redappleslime @slime.jems @sparklyslimee @fruityslimee_