Channel: Daredevil Girl
Category: Comedy
Tags: santa footballhappysanta parkourmoves like jaggersantaamericajuked40 year old womanmerry christmasjukelong santa hatparkour40 yr old womansanta hatfunnyfootball movesbrian giboneywhite christmaschristmasamerican womandiana blackburndes moines washingtonwashington statedaredevil girljuked footballpnwfun
Description: Merry Christmas! Football and parkour all in one haha! Long Santa hat for the touchdown! Christmas is a time for fun and laughter. I was wearing my long Santa Claus hat and carrying a football while mobbing around with my sister on Christmas Day. It was a white Christmas! Little football scrimmage. I added a little bit of urban parkour into it. Stay active. Stay forever young. Never grow up! I made it slo-mo at the end with a nice Christmas song. Thanks to my sister, Amy, for filming this with her phone December 25, 2017. What is great is now when I want to hear my sister's laughter I can just go watch this video. :) Buy the long Santa hat that I am wearing in this video here: Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope you enjoy my Christmas video. :) Daredevil Girl #daredevilgirl #daredevilgirldiana