Category: People & Blogs
Tags: sacrificeseveryday life episodemoving haulcouple vlogday in the lifebloggersaving moneycredit repairfixing my creditempty space toureveryday life vlogyoutubergenerational wealthmoving dayleaving my old officeyoutube couplesjazzmen black
Description: #KUWJB #KeepingUpWithJazzmenBlack #GenerationalWealth #sacrifices Today I am making the first step towards my savings goals!!! I am moving out of my Atlanta office. This will be the first sacrifice towards my generational wealth journey. I will look for another office space possibly next summer but for the next year of my life I will be making a few major changes to secure a better financial future. I plan on blogging my journey! here is vlog #1 moving out my office day! DON’T FORGET ! S U B S C R I B E 🛎TURN ON POST NOTIFICATIONS G E T C A U G H T U P ORIGINAL STRIPPER SERIES KEEPING UP WITH JAZZMEN BLACK #VLOGS JUST JAZZMEN ____________________________________________________________ C O N N E C T CASH APP $JAZZMENBLACK I N S T A G R A M “LIKE” M Y F A C E B O O K T W I T T E R S N A P C H A T HailQueenJay B U S I N E S S & P R O M O Business and promotion email me! ____________________________________________________________ S H O P MY O N L I N E S T O R E F O L L O W S T O R E DISCOUNT CODE : JB NAVY for %15 Off ! Follow On IG @Shopbellesociety ____________________________________________________________ P R O D U C T S camera I use - ____________________________________________________________ S O N 🏀FOLLOW my son channel for the kids ! ⛹🏾♂️Makells playground ! Quote from me to you… You only get 1 life , live it & reach your full potential. Die empty ! Give the world everything in you ! ____________________________________________________________ FAQs Im 27 Im a Virgo I Live In ATL From PHILLY Camera - Canon G7 mark II - Editing tools - Final Cut Pro & iMovie